*CONTENT CALL* Autumn 2018 Print Edition

Hello all,

We are eagerly welcoming articles from students across all years and academic disciplines for our Autumn print edition.

The deadline for your article is the 1st of November.

Please email us (thewitness.exeter@outlook.com) with the general gist of what you plan to write, and a rough title before you get started.

Articles must be within either 500 or 1000 words.

We have included the following bullet points just to help you out if you’re struggling for ideas. This is by no means an exhaustive list, feel free to propose any idea you think might be interesting (keep in mind that there is about a month between submitting your articles to us and the journal being printed so opinion pieces work better than specific current affairs).

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Molly and Dylan

  • UK Defence Capabilities;
    • In light of Lord Ashcroft’s new release, White Flag, can we really say the UK have adequate defence capabilities?
    • What is the UK’s role in NATO?
    • What changes post-Brexit?
  • Are we past the point of no return with Trump?
    • Is Michael Moore’s newest film Fahrenheit 11/9 a waste of time?
    • Why does Trump not seem damaged by any of his scandals?
  • UN Report on the Environment
    • IPCC has warned that global warming must be kept to 1.5C to avoid extreme droughts and heat.
    • Does anyone listen to the UN when it comes to the environment?
    • Michael Gove skipped climate change summit just a day after the new report was released.
  • Brett Kavanaugh
    • A summary of Kavanaugh’s first few months as Supreme Court Justice.
    • Are partisan Justices inevitable in the US political system?
    • Are partisan Justices inevitably bad news?
  • Australia no confidence vote
    • How does the political system differ?
    • Is a vote of no confidence conceivable within the British political system
  • Republicanism
    • In light of the latest royal wedding, is there place for the royal wedding?
    • Is republicanism taboo in mainstream politics?
    • You might want to consider the views of Jeremy Corbyn and Leanne Woods.
  • New Zealand- the role of women in politics
    • PM Jacinda Ardern takes her baby to the UN
  • Celebrity in politics
    • Should celebrities get involved in politics?
    • What about when celebrities give out wrong information, e.g., Kanye West on Twitter?
    • How much influence do they actually have? E.g., Taylor Swift allegedly responsible for 65,000 US citizens registering to vote.
    • Pink Floyd in Brazil, Noel Gallagher, Stormzy
  • Tanzania
    • President John Magfulli claims people who use contraception are lazy.
    • You could link this to the role that the state plays in regulating the personal and sexual lives of citizens.
  • Party conferences still worth while?
    • Are they necessary in the age of technology?
    • Is the Labour Party making conferences interesting again?
  • South Africa
    • Donald Trump tweeted that the South African government is seizing land from white farmers.
    • Why is the political right so interested in the issue?
  • Lack of mitigation
    • Did the university handle strikes fairly?
    • Is the student body powerless?

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